Thursday 6 May 2010

Digital Revolution - Divergence

Thought I should update with what I'm doing for the latest project! Our brief is to make an animation on the theme of divergence so I have been making mine on the theme of war. It is really about war in general, not so much specific wars and should show how war affects different people. I am going to be doing a series of images which run through very quickly. I have tried to upload it  but it doesnt want to work! So I will try again tomorrow. For now, here is a series of images I took at the Keep Military museum in Dorchester. The whole animation is going to be made up of photos, my own ones from museums and other places and from internet/books etc.

The four bottom images are my favourite as they are still images taken from a video, I think they have come out really well, and the blurriness captures that individual moment. Basically the opposite of animation!

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